July 16, 2009

Picture Frame

He was our world, our savior. He was genuine, magnificent, determined. But you didn't know him. To you, he might as well just be another blank frame on the wall.

Have you ever been to a museum? What do you remember the most? I've always liked the countless photos they have on display. Those set individuals, did much more then what was written about them in the history books. Next time you see a portrait, keep in mind that they meant the world to someone, whether you knew them or not.

July 15, 2009


They didn't care about the job, they only wanted the lifestyle.

Do you even like your job? Or are you just in it for the perks it brings? Just because you are relatively good at what you do, doesn't mean you can't look for a better career.

Mystery Ahead

It opens a portal to where ever it's fastened,
but where is leads remains a mystery.

Do you like taking chances? Most people don't, these people never live life to it's full potential. Why not go buy a one-way train ticket to "Surprise me"?


And that is how it grew, every tangle and curl intact.

Some things in life wouldn't be as beautiful if not entangled in their own web. What are things in your life that you left to become tangled then prayed they unraveled?


You follow the recipe, every spice, pinch, and spoon.
But a good chef knows, the recipe is never right.

When was the last time you followed a recipe but it still came out in error? Next time, cook with your nose instead of a book.

July 14, 2009


Even though they knew it would never be used again, they kept it for the memories of the chore.

Are there any chores or hobbies that you miss doing because they have become obsolete? Or has that chore become easier to do because of technology? Some things will never come back in style, so enjoy them while you can.

Is It Worth It?

What if I don't like it?
What if I can't return it?
What if it's a cruel joke.
What if I don't need it?

Is it really worth the risk? What other things could I talk myself out of? Love? Careers? Breakfast?

July 13, 2009


So he let the flames burn, material objects lost that would never be regained.
But they did not mean much. No, all he really wanted were for the flames to one day reach him.

Could someone really destroy an item in hopes of ridding themselves of the problem? Instead of dealing with the problem, why not abolish it? Clear the disturbance to clear the mind.


And there it will lye, motionless and powerless. Until I see fit to replace it.

Have you ever felt some things are better left broken? Or maybe it's just easier to let objects or memories play their course. Who knows, one day it might fix itself...

Unfinshed Projects

Is it the fear of being unsuccessful or just having other plans to proceed with? Either way, some things will never be completed.

Is it just me or do some people always leave unfinished business to their peers? I'm not the one who started it, nor will I finish it. Maybe they just need more time. Summer is a time great to work on unattended problems.


You unwind yourself to fulfill a purpose; figure out things about yourself that you never knew possible. But once unwound it is not as easy to get your old self back.

Bending paperclips to pass time. Once bent, it will never return to it's original self. Do you bend paperclips, into what?